Jacey made a game out of all of us drinking water at the same time. It was a 10 min game. It ends when the water is gone. Seems boring but anything for a smile on Jacey's face.
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The ongoing thoughts and record of a life being lived Simply Real for a God worthy of nothing less than my everything.
Jacey made a game out of all of us drinking water at the same time. It was a 10 min game. It ends when the water is gone. Seems boring but anything for a smile on Jacey's face.
Posted with LifeCast
Well it's official he openly spread his proof to the camera... Josiah Benjamin Murray is on his way.
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We're on our way to the other state that is South Louisiana. Shiela's mom passed away so as a staff we are going to support her, pastor Gary and Hannah. We love them.
The road trips are always interesting. Especially when Justin is in the van. But something good always seems to come from this time. Jess got to come this time which has been great. Though Jacey being gone makes this possible we still miss her so much.
Well there we go for now. This day started at 3:45 am so there might be another post before the date changes.
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Pastor Scott and Justin answering the difficult questions. Nice change. Notice the stage that is what has been takin my time this week and promises to take more time. Bare wood and exposed walls forshadows work everytime. So far so good.
Why does it seem like God forgets us?
How do I connect to God?
How do I stay free?
Good questions.
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Last night was something amazing God really did something. I pray that the lives of those who were touched will bear great fruit for the vision of God for Life Church. Connect the lost to God. Engage in the cause. Impact your world. Simply Real.
When God puts a word to pray for people you don't always know what to expect. I didn't expect all that happened. But I'm not surprised. God is that amazing.
Today it was back to the drastic stage remodel. We're getting close.
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Hanging out with the staff all together wives and all. That doesn't get to happen often. Good times good times.
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